Moe has been hard at work on Albian flora, so here we have a number of plants and fungi, some new, some old!

And because I can, here's the norn burrow and incubator, with an adult Civet lurking in the tomatoes!

Moe's really got some exciting things in the game, so keep checking back for regular updates!
And lastly, a question: what was your favourite part of C2, apart from the norns, and why?
Thanks to Liam for all his AMAZING help! He's knocked out the whole set of toys and a myriad of other things in just two days! Props to Liam for being Liam! :) Thanks Liam! :D
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of C2... Probably the just the world, it's graphics, it's ambiance, and it's history. It's just that Albian feel... Same with C1. :)
But my favorite thing to do in C2 back when I was a lad, was to plant a garden and grow things. :)
Yay Liam!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite non-norn part of C2 was the world itself, specifically the nature in it, and finding spots to grow various plants, putting fish in all the water bodies, etc. I think I played around with the world itself almost more than I did with the norns sometimes. :P
I'm excited about this project. :)
My favorite thing would also have to be gardening. And messing with the genetics a bit, you can get some nice looking creatures with the pigment bleed.
ReplyDeleteI lilked exploring, but I also loved looking at the external tablets. Especialy the one that showed areas of radiation, light etc. GLOW BUGS! I'm getting a little excited.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite part was the science kits. The fact that norns passed out instead of straight up dying was awesome because it gave us a chance to actually diagnose the organs where they failed, and inject the appropriate chemicals to save their life.
ReplyDeleteYou just can't get that satisfaction in the newer games.
Agoeb has a good point. I do miss the kits quite a lot. No matter how many good CC tools there are out there, C3/DS is still lacking the control/overview that the kits provided you with. I see what they were going for with a more interactive interface and making you more part of the world and less an overlord looking in from the outside, but still, I miss it. :)
ReplyDeleteAside from norns? I honestly cannot decide, I loved every part of C2. If I really must pick, I'd say all of the animals and plants in C2. Also, KITS YES.
ReplyDeleteThe plants and their respective seeders.
ReplyDeleteI love them for the fact I can drag them off to some secluded corner of the world and create a whole new garden with them. Something that is difficult if not some times impossible to do with plants from both C1 & C3DS.
What I like most are plants with seed venders and critters which need to eat to live, so you can rig up an ecosystem.
ReplyDeleteWell, everyone will be happy to know that pretty much every plant will have a moveable seeder, so you'll be able to plant things wherever you want. With any luck, too, you ecosystem-loving people will get a pleasant surprise, too!
ReplyDeleteI myself loved all the gadgets and looking at all the little labs. It makes me wonder where the Shee lived...
ReplyDeleteAre the seeders going to be independently inject-able from the the metaroom?
ReplyDeleteThat would make a fine set of agents to put out before the whole room to gain interest.
ReplyDeleteYes, to reiterate, the plants and animals that have seeders (and maybe those that don't, time permitting) will be separately inject-able.
ReplyDeleteThe mushrooms look different... :D
ReplyDeleteThey aren't different, there are just more numerous types!
ReplyDeleteDo the mushrooms function more like real organisms (spawning, growing, dying), or are they more static and object-like as in the original C2?
ReplyDeleteThey're far more realistic now, yes. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a bit of a silly question but, will most of the critters be edible?
ReplyDeleteConsidering the mildly carnivorous nature of Bondi Norns, I should think that to have them edible, if not necessarily always healthy or something to encourage, should definitely be a feature of all C2 critters. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm oddly very excited about this, I haven't played Creatures very much in a good while, but I really look forward to playing with this. C2's world is awesome, but the game itself is too awkward after I got so used to C3/DS.
ReplyDelete(I secretly wish for C3 versions of the C2 breeds after seeing that awesome graphic, Moe, although I realise that making a breed is a huge amount of work! So not meaning to be pushy or anything, it's meant as a compliment. ;))
Sooo excited for this metaroom/world! It looks great so far. Re: Favorite part of C2- I'm a sucker for anything Shee-related, but one of my favorite parts of the world were the little terrarium bubbles attached to the volcano in Borland's Ocean. They always seemed like neat "safe havens" of sorts for creatures and I always wanted to do more with them, gardening-wise (can't remember if I didn't because of the qualities of the room or because I was just lazy, though :P ). I also wished the venus fly trap did more than just snap at you.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I hadn't stumbled on this project before. Thank you both for all the effort you're putting into this!
ReplyDeleteAs far as what was awesome about C2, I'm seconding this:
"The fact that norns passed out instead of straight up dying was awesome because it gave us a chance to actually diagnose the organs..." :)
I was another one who liked to just play around with the world, make gardens, grow things where they normally wouldn't. And I'll third the bit about getting a chance to diagnose Norns before they die on you.
ReplyDeleteOn that note, the lack of ATP Decoupler. Nothing's more annoying than a Norn dying on you because it picked up the wrong bacteria a few *seconds* ago.
Oh, and the applets! And the third party breeds... And well, most things. Except the bugs of course.
The inside of the fruit reminds me of Tomacco. XD It's great to see these previews! :D
ReplyDeleteOh god favourite part, that's a tough one; I loved it all so much. Oh I know - the music! Please, if you can, get the original soundtrack in there. It was so beautiful. And it actually treated the death of norns as something really sad - I remember crying so much along with that sad death music when I was 8 and my norn had jumped off the pier. Creatures 3 really messed that up; just had like grim horror music or something when the creatures died.
ReplyDeleteI used to be an avid C2 player as a kid, but alas, my newer comps do not play it, so I have the disc but have been without it for YEARS. I'd really love to play it again! This C2toDS seems like a perfect mix! I'm glad you guys are keeping a lot if not all of the background at its pristine graphic clarity. That was my favorite! Just the details of the bgs were so well crafted and set up. Much love!